Among other functions, poetry educates, informs, and entertains. Poets who have the skills to combine the three functions in an anthology are, by conventional...
The remains of Deborah Yakubu, a 200-level Home Economics student of Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto, who was clubbed and burnt to death in...
The Joint Admissions and Matriculations Board (JAMB) has released the 2022 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) results.
The Head of Public Affairs and Protocol, Fabian...
Following the arrest of the killers of Deborah Samuel, a student of the Sokoto College of Education, by security operatives, protesters have stormed the...
Following President Muhammadu Buhari’s directive, asking those in his cabinet who have declared to run for political offices in 2023 to resign, Senator Godswill...
Former President, Goodluck Jonathan, amid his controversial move to the All Progressives Congress and his interest in the 2023 presidential election has been appointed...