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Monday, October 28, 2024

ACF wishes christians Happy Easter celebration; prays for return of economic prosperity, security & peace to Nigeria

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The Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) felicitates with Nigerian and worldwide Christian brethren on the celebration of the 2024 Easter Season, signalling the end of the 40-day Lent Period, and one of sacrifice, involving fasting, devotion, compassion, goodwill and sacred sober reflections on the pains of Crucifixion and the magic of Resurrection for the human race. ACF rejoices in solidarity with all on the Holy Season, one of God’s Grace and Mercies.

The celebrations are coming at a challenging time for all Nigerians as they reel under daunting economic, social and political challenges, insecurity and related existential challenges. Even under the best of times, communities face dire socioeconomic conditions, disappointing political representation, corruption, nepotism, etc. egregious ingredients for tough lives for Northern communities specifically. While it is easy to send arms flailing up in agony, people cannot and should not lose hope or surrender to despair.

The occasion of the remembrance of the life and times of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace and Hope, provides reason to look up to God Almighty, for emancipation from humankind’s tribulations and trials.

In the Spirit of the Season, ACF therefore calls on the Christian Ecclesia to pray for:

(i) Peace, security and economic recovery for Nigeria;

(ii) God’s intercession so that Nigeria’s leaders are re-endowed with faith, strength, Divine Love and Wisdom as they pilot Nigeria’s affairs with righteousness in intentions and deeds;

(iii) God to guide and bestow the security agencies with the needed strength and bold resolve with which to crush all agents of criminality, insecurity and social and political destabilisation in Nigeria;

(iv) That the fear of God Almighty enters the evil minds of terrorists and other criminals that they repent and reject, in totality their culture of criminality, sin and social profanity;

(v) That God Almighty comes to the aid of any and all innocent citizens being held captive in the criminals’ dens so that they are released unharmed without further delay; and

(vi) God Almighty to restore hope for a better and more hospitable world on the pedestal sustainable prosperity, justice, equity as opposed to the current culture of despair and hopelessness so that humanity rises again from the ashes.

God bless Nigeria, our One and Only Republic!




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