Nigerian comedian, Ayodeji Makun, popularly known as AY, recently opened up about a devastating fire outbreak at his Lagos residence.
In a heartfelt post on X (formerly known as Twitter), AY shared the extent of the loss and the impact it had on him.
He revealed that the only belongings he had left were the ones he had traveled with before the incident occurred.
“It feels weird to realize that the only shoes, jewelry, and clothes I have right now are the ones I traveled with,” AY stated, highlighting the extent of the loss.
However, he remained optimistic, asserting that “there is no such thing as going back to square one.”
The multi-talented movie producer, actor, and entertainer also took the opportunity to express his gratitude for the safety of his family.
Fortunately, they were out of the country when the fire broke out, and he thanked God for their protection during this challenging time.
AY’s resilience and positive outlook in the face of adversity serve as an inspiration to many.
Despite the loss of his valuables, he remains determined to move forward and rebuild.