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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Chinese government denies funding terrorism in Nigeria’s mining sector

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The Chinese government has denied allegations that its citizens in Nigeria are involved in funding terrorism to destabilize the country for some ulterior motives in the country’s mining sector. The refutation follows a report from a British newspaper, The Times, that Chinese nationals in the mining sector are financing terrorist groups in some parts of Nigeria to gain access to the country’s mineral resources.

The Chinese embassy in Nigeria issued a statement on its website, debunking the allegation and reiterating that Chinese citizens are not involved in funding terrorism. The statement further affirmed that China and Nigeria have a cordial bilateral relationship and that the Chinese government and embassy have always encouraged Chinese companies and nationals in Nigeria to abide by the laws and regulations of Nigeria.

The Chinese government stated that it would never be involved in any form of funding terrorism, and the allegations contained in the report were totally irresponsible and unethical. It also expressed serious concern about the intention of the report, adding that the bilateral cooperation between China and Nigeria has brought tangible benefits to their bilateral ties and the well-being of the two peoples.

The statement noted that China would continue to work with the Nigerian government to promote development and address security issues, welcoming international partners to join their efforts in good faith. However, it would reject any intention or action that would smear their cooperation.

In conclusion, the Chinese embassy has denied any wrongdoing and reaffirmed their commitment to working with the Nigerian government to promote development and address security issues.

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