Enugu Govt directs schools to comply with new school calendar

The Enugu State Government has urged public, private and mission primary and secondary schools in the state to comply with the new uniform school calendar or face sanction.

This is contained in a new School Calendar circular released on Friday by the Enugu State Commissioner For Education, Prof. Uche Eze and signed by the Director of Schools, Mr P.A Ochi.

According to Eze, primary and secondary schools in Enugu State shall open for 2022/2023 academic activities on Monday, Sept. 26.

“Consequently, the Enugu State Ministry of Education shall on Sept. 27 monitor schools compliance across the state according to the uniform calendars,” he said.

In the 2022/2023 approved school calendar, first term will begin on Sept 26, 2022 and close on Dec. 16, 2022 while the second term will begin from Jan. 9, 2023 and closes on March 31 while third term would start on April 24 and end on July 28, 2023.

Eze added that mid-term would only run from June 5 to June 11, 2023, while the 2023/2024 school calendar would begin on Sept.18, 2023 and end on Dec. 15, 2023.

He said that the government would no longer tolerate staggered academic calendar by primary and secondary schools in the state.

The commissioner warned that “any public, private or mission school found to be contravening the approved school calendar shall be appropriately sanctioned”.


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