Two women, one of them pregnant, reportedly lost their lives while fleeing Tyo Mu, a suburb of Makurdi, following the deadly clash between Iharev...
The Plateau State Police Command on Friday confirmed the arrest of an 18-year-old man, Marvellous Luka, who allegedly raped his 70-year-old grandmother.
The police officer...
The Taraba State Police Command has arrested and paraded a 31-year-old man for killing his girlfriend.
A native of Donga Local Government Area, the suspect...
Gunmen suspected to be bandits have killed two persons in Dapye village, a suburb in Wukari Local Government Area (LGA) of Taraba State.
The Council...
A driver, Michael Ogbar, 51, repeatedly defiled his 10-year-old daughter in their home in Lagos, a medical doctor, Dr Oyedeji Alagbe, told the Ikeja...
No fewer than two persons reportedly lost their lives on Thursday at Tipper Garage junction, Dutsen Makaranta Abuja, when a truck conveying sharp sand...
A 28 year-old bus conductor, Sikiru Dada, on Thursday appeared before an Ikeja Magistrates’ Court in Lagos, charged with assault on a police officer...
A 19-year-old sales representative, Chibueze Okolie, was on Thursday docked before a Badagry Magistrates’ Court in Lagos State, for allegedly stealing N2.035,940.
Okolie, whose address...