Armed bandits led by notorious warlord Bello Turji launched violent attacks on a mosque in Shanawa community, Zamfara State, on Wednesday night, injuring several worshippers and abducting an unspecified number.
A Northwest-based security analyst, Bakatsine, confirmed the incident, stating, “The bandits first struck the Shanawa community during the Isha prayer, leaving four people injured and taking several others.”
He further disclosed on his Twitter page that the attackers later stormed Shinkafi town around 10 p.m., where they carried out another wave of kidnappings.
“They abducted several residents, causing widespread panic in the area,” he added.
While the total number of those kidnapped remains unknown, eyewitnesses described the raid as well-coordinated and ruthless.
As of the time of filing this report, security forces have yet to release an official statement of the latest attack.
However, locals are urging authorities to take decisive action against Turji’s gang, which has been linked to repeated kidnappings and deadly raids in Zamfara and neighbouring states.