NDLEA urges Nigerians to invest in hard drug prevention

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) has advised Nigerians to invest in hard drug prevention measures to create a drug-free society.

Mrs Ibinabo Archie-Abia, Assistant Commander General, Narcotics, Directorate of Operations and General Investigation, Lagos, made this call in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Friday in Ota, Ogun.

This appeal was made in commemoration of the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, celebrated globally on June 26.

Archie-Abia urged corporate organisations to collaborate with the agency in the fight against drug abuse and illicit trafficking by providing more aid, logistics and policies for prevention.

She explained that hard drugs contribute to crimes such as domestic violence, terrorism, rape, kidnapping and armed robbery.

Archie-Abia stressed that many social vices in the country were influenced by drug abuse.

Archie-Abia maint advised Nigerians, particularly the youth, to avoid consuming drugs, saying that ‘it not only destroys lives but also distorts the national economy’.

“We are looking forward to a drug-free society and a Nigeria with zero tolerance to drugs.

“NDLEA has reduced the volume of drugs in circulation through its activities, making it difficult for people to get supplies,” she said.

According to her, the nation is making progress in the fight against drug abuse and illicit trafficking.

She noted that the NDLEA has effectively stopped the entry and exit of various drugs through airports, seaports, land borders, and inter-city routes.

Archie-Abia also encouraged Nigerians to assist children already hooked on drugs by bringing them to the NDLEA for help and treatment, while noting that the agency had the cheapest rehabilitation centers provided by the federal government.

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