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Friday, October 18, 2024

Terver Akase: The Samuel Ortom I know

Must read

Having worked closely with the immediate past Governor Samuel Ortom for some years now, I have come to the conclusion that he is a man of uncommon integrity and valour. He is a man with enormous strength of mind and impeccable character.

His Excellency Ortom is a great man. He is a leader who is full of compassion. He does not consider himself as a boss who sits at the top dishing orders to his subordinates. He likes to work with those around him. When he gives you an assignment and something goes wrong which is your fault, he won’t disgrace you publicly over the mistake. He calls you privately to correct you. Another notable thing about Governor Ortom is that he is a firm believer in the word and power of God. He often quotes the Bible book of John 3:27 which says a man can receive nothing, except it is given to him from heaven. Chief Ortom also believes in superior argument. When a matter is up for deliberation, he would allow everyone around the table to make their view known on the issue. When anyone puts forward a superior argument, he accepts such a position irrespective of the status of the person with the superior view. His Excellency Ortom supports those under him to grow. He often uses the saying ‘live and let live’. He is a man who loves the truth, justice, equity and fairness.

God knew why he brought Ortom to be Benue’s Governor at the time He did. Not all leaders have the courage to look oppression and injustice right in the face and spit into it like Governor Ortom did when he rose in defense of his people who came under ferocious attacks from those who wanted to take over the land called Benue.

Ortom is a man who does not mince words or pretend about what he believes to be the right thing. He fears God but not man. He only respects those who earn his respect. He has been a blend and brand of courage. Where other men of his ilk would have jerked in fear, Ortom stands firmly and resolute and shows the inner strength of a man of purpose and conviction who would do everything in his power to give his people direction.

Samuel Ortom has etched his name on the milepost of history as a leader worthy of emulation. Here is a leader who accepted the responsibility of being the voice of the people. He repeatedly spoke truth to power and tasked the federal government to act decisively to tackle insecurity in Benue State. On his part, he rallied security agencies and constantly supported them to safeguard the people.

Samuel Ortom challenged the principalities and powers which wanted to take his people hostage and perpetually suppress them. The powers wanted Benue to remain their grazing field where lush green foliage grows to feed their cattle. They wanted to take Benue land for keeps. They didn’t expect anyone from the state to have the courage to question them. Now, there arose a brave man who not only questioned the principalities but also called their bluff.
Ortom was aware that he had marched on the tail of the tiger, but he was determined to tame the beast which, for years, had attacked his people and prevented them from accessing their homes and farmlands.

On the occasion of the birth anniversary of this illustrious son of Benue State who is my leader and mentor, I congratulate him and wish him many more years of happiness and good health.

  1. Happy birthday Your Excellency sir!
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