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Sunday, June 2, 2024

We have not abandoned victims of train attack – Buhari

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President Muhammadu Buhari has explained that Abuja-Kaduna train attack victims have not been abandoned as negotiation with bandits is ongoing to ensure their safe return.

Garba Shehu, Special Assistant to President Muhammadu Buhari on Media and publicity, gave the explanation on Channels TV’s “Politics Today”, on Friday.

Kidnappers who attacked the Kaduna-Abuja-bound train abducted many Nigerians and killed nine others. No fewer than 26 of the victims were also injured. 

According to Shehu, the position of the government had been restated over time that the success of any operation will be determined by the number of recoveries of human beings alive and well, not the return of dead bodies.

He said the Federal Government was aware that there had been pressure from the family members of those who have been taken captive, adding that, “of course this is expected. This acts as a pressure on one of the people involved in the discussion with the terrorists to ensure a safe release of those that have been held.”

He said the government had spoken about the fact that negotiations were ongoing, “although a bit difficult, but we hope that we return to normalcy.”

Speaking on what the government is doing to safeguard rail tracks in the country, Shehu said the matter was with the security agencies.

He said there was an improvement in security, adding that the air surveillance had been announced by the former minister of transportation.

He added that the President had ordered that electronic monitoring and surveillance be used to track rail tracks.

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