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Nigerian Newspapers Headlines Friday Morning

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FG Searches For 4,370 Contacts As Coronavirus Cases Hit 65 [PUNCH]

…says COVID-19 cases explosion, community transmission imminent

  • NMA attacks govt, asks President to issue executive order on lockdown
  • Six of Lagos 12 new cases arrive Nigeria by sea, Abuja, Bauchi add two

The Federal Government on Thursday said it was tracing   4,370 persons, who came into contact with people that were suffering from COVID-19.

The Minister of Information and Culture, Lai Mohammed, who disclosed this at a press conference in Abuja, said the country was on the verge of community transmission of the disease.

Mohammed said this just as coronavirus cases in the country increased to 65  on Thursday.

The National Centre for Disease Control said as of 7:35pm on Thursday, 12 additional cases had recorded in Lagos State, one in Bauchi State and one in the Federal Capital Territory.

The NCDC via its Twitter handle, said, “14 new cases of #COVID19 have been confirmed in Nigeria; one in Bauchi State, one in the FCT and 12 in Lagos. Of the 14, six were detected on a vessel, three are returning travellers into Nigeria and two are close contacts of confirmed cases. As of 7:35pm 26th March, there are 65 confirmed cases, three discharged and one death.”

The NCDC, had on Thursday said cases of the virus in the country increased to 51 from  46 on Wednesday.

Currently,  the majority of cases were imported to the country from high-risk nations such as the United States, the United Kingdom and other European countries.

Among those who have tested positive are the Chief of Staff to the President, Abba Kyari, and the Bauchi State Governor, Bala Mohammed, both of whom a few weeks ago, returned from Germany, where they were believed to have contracted the disease.

The disease has spread to eight states and the Federal Capital Territory. There are 44 cases in Lagos; 12  in the Federal Capital Territory; Ogun State, three;  Ekiti State, one;  Bauchi State, two; Oyo State, one; Edo State, one; Osun State, one   and Rivers State, one.

The minister of information, at the press conference on Thursday,   said unless those who had contact with confirmed cases came forward, in few days ahead Nigeria would record a rapid increase in the number of cases.

He  stated, “We have 4,370 people of interest whom we are tracing. We urge those who have had contact with suspected cases to immediately report to the authorities. We urge Nigerians to support the authorities in this regard.

“We are on the verge of reaching the level of community spread. We must stop this immediately or we will record exponential cases in the days ahead. There is no better way to say this.”

The minister said the Federal Government was considering a ban on non- essential inter-state travels, closure of motor parks as well as fumigation of some designated areas, as part of additional measures to curtail the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

He also expressed delight that measures so far taken by the federal and some state governments to contain the virus were yielding the desired results.

Mohammed said, “We are considering tougher measures to enforce compliance, stop the exportation of the disease to states that do not have it and minimize spread. Possible measures include stopping inter-state/inter-town travels, except for essential services; closing all motor parks and inter-state rail stations. Already, all train movements nationwide have been stopped.

“Our strategy at containing this pandemic is working, but we still have a long way to go. We know our priorities and we know our challenges.”

According to him, government has taken very bold measures by stopping international flights into the country.

He also commended state governments that had  closed markets and  prohibited   large congregations.

The minister maintained that, “We are determined to be more aggressive in enforcing the measures aimed at containing the spread of the virus, such as social distancing, contact tracing, testing, isolation of suspected cases and ensuring that our messaging gets down to the grassroots.

Explosion in COVID-19  cases imminent, says FG

“I don’t intend to sound apocalyptic. But the truth is that time is running out. If we don’t urgently and more aggressively enforce the measures I have just listed, we have a short window within which to stop this pandemic or face an explosion in terms of the cases. We cannot afford to be complacent.”

He also said that the Federal Government had received donated safety and test kits from the Jack Ma Foundation in China. The supplies are 100,000 face masks, 1,000 pieces of personal protective equipment and 20,000 test kits.

Mohammed explained that the face masks and the PPE would be distributed to the front-line health workers while the test kits would be shared among the five test laboratories.

FG tests ministers for COVID-19

The minister, while answering a question as to whether he and his colleagues were tested for the virus, said, “We were tested yesterday but I am not at liberty to talk about my colleagues, my result was negative.”

Increase in number of isolation centres

The minister also said government at the federal level had taken additional measures to increase the number of bed spaces for the isolation of patients.

He said government had, in addition to the facility in the University of Abuja Teaching Hospital, Gwagwalada, set up 40, 60, and 160 bed medical facilities in three locations across the FCT.

The minister noted that some Nigerians,  who flew into the country from overseas filled wrong addresses and phone numbers in their forms, making it difficult to trace them when the need arose.

“Some Nigerians defied orders to stay away from large gatherings while some religious leaders willfully flouted the directives to ensure social distancing. The government is doing its best but we need the citizens to do their best too. We have now gone past the stage of persuasion. It’s time for strong enforcement,” he added.

The minister also decried the spread of fake news on social and traditional media.

He faulted  speculations that there were only two ventilators in Abuja, out of which one had been commandeered for a top government official and that a British Airways flight was due to land in Nigeria on Wednesday despite the closure of all international airports.

He also denied a report  that the President, Major General Muhammadu Buhari (retd.), had been coughing and was on ventilator.

Bauchi  gov’s  62-year-old  friend tests positive

In Bauchi State,  the confirmed positive cases of the coronavirus increased to  two on Thursday. He is said to be a friend to the Bauchi State Governor, Mohammed.

The state Commissioner for Health, Dr Aliyu Maigoro, at a press conference in Bauchi, said the second case was  a 62 -year old  friend of the governor.

He said, “We have taken 48 samples of high risk patients to Abuja.  Out of the results, as of today, there are two confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 in Bauchi State.”

“The first index case (Governor Mohammed) is recovering fast and is doing extremely fine and up to this moment, there is no sign or symptoms  of COVID-19 except the confirmatory result. He is still in isolation and we are following the case management of this patient.

“The second case, who is 62-year-old, is a friend to the first victim (Governor Mohammed). He is also being isolated. He  has already started  receiving treatment as well as any other supportive case management. Apart from that, we are continuing with our other activities of surveillance and contact tracing.

“We’re are tracing the primary contacts of the first case and we have taken their samples to Abuja to know their situation. We have started contacting the contacts of this second case and we are also going to take their samples based on the createria   for analysis.

Also  the Executive Chairman of the state Primary Health Care Development Agency, Dr. Rilwan Mohammed, said the second case had secondary cases stating that “we don’t know how many people he has come in contact with.”

NMA hits FG, states , over coronavirus spread

…Asks Buhari to issue executive order on lockdown

The Nigerian Medical Association lashed out at the federal and state governments  for failing to contain the spread of the disease.

The  NMA, in a statement by its President, Dr Francis Faduyile,    raised the alarm over  the absence of respirators and other equipment at some of the designated coronavirus isolation centres across the country.

The NMA said efforts to contain COVID-19 in Nigeria would only have impact if states and the Federal Government arrived at a compromise to work in the same direction. Faduyile said that so far, both levels of government had been working at cross purposes.

It  said, “(We) note that certain key strategies have been largely absent or sub-optimally implemented. The most important of this being effective coordination between the federal and state governments, as well as other stakeholders which will ensure that efforts are not wasted, knowledge and health intelligence are shared for better results.

The association   lamented the absence of purpose-built isolation centres in the country. It stated, “To make matters worse, in most of our hospitals, there is severe inadequacy of critical care facilities like purpose-built intensive care units. These ICUs with ventilators/artificial respirators make the difference between life and death in complications from Covid-19. It is scary that the dearth of these facilities is the same in all the 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory.”

The NMA stated that states and the Federal Government  should be  comparing notes and sharing intelligence on issues such as modalities for effective implementation of social distancing and case detection.

It  called on government to ensure strict compliance with self-isolation policy for those returning to the country from countries with high prevalence of coronavirus.

The association noted that some stated had closed schools and called for compliance with lockdown orders by states.

“The NMA demands uniformity in implementing the lock-down orders on non-essential services. We, therefore, call on President Buhari to issue an Executive order to enforce compliance,” it added.

The association stated, “Given these defaults/inadequacies, NMA therefore calls for immediate commencement of supervised self-isolation in any manner that will protect public health. This would ensure that returnees from the countries with high prevalence would adhere to instructions and confine themselves to a location in order to protect members of the public.

“Physical visits by the designated officials to the returnees to track their locations, taking their vital signs and those of each of their contacts rather than voluntary reports of failing health and serial testing of their samples will deliver better results.”

The NMA however said it acknowledged efforts put in place so far by the FG and some other states, especially Lagos State, as well as the philanthropic gestures of Aliko Dangote and Mrs Folorunsho Alakija towards the fight against COVID-19 in the country.

It  called  on its state chapters to mobilise volunteers (doctors who are active as well as those in the private sector) to assist in the area of service delivery at health facilities, contact tracing and wholesome information/public health education campaigns in collaboration with the public authorities.

Ogun doctors  raise the alarm, want   lockdown

In Ogun State, the branch of the association raised the alarm over the possible spread of COVID-19  in the state.

It therefore  asked  the state Governor, Dapo Abiodun, to lock down the state for at least two weeks in view of the increasing cases  of  COVID – 19 across the country.

The State Chairman of the association, Dr Ismail Lawal, said this  while addressing journalists at the NMA House in Abeokuta.

Lawal said the lockdown would allow the government and health officials to track down some undetected cases in the state.

He further said  shutting down of all the  activities in the state would prevent the state from getting more cases in the coming weeks.

The NMA chairman  warned  that the number of coronavirus patients and the contacts so far identified in the state “are  just infraction of cases” that were  looming  in the state.

He  maintained that the situation on the ground had shown that the  state was not prepared to  manage multiple cases of COVID-19.

He stressed that the total lockdown would be for the benefit of everybody in the state at the end of the day.

He described  the situation as  an emergency which he said  must be tackled with seriousness   to safe  people  from contracting  the virus.

He said,   “This is the  time for  emergency, whatever resources anywhere should  be put together to curb  the menace.

“It is only when we manage our people that  we can work and government can get money in the long run or in weeks to come.

No reason for lockdown yet, says Ogun

But  the state government  said there had not been any reason for lockdown of the state ,though  it was an option.

The Special Adviser to the state Governor  on Public Communications, Remmy Hazzan, said this on Thursday.

Hazzan said the government was taking steps as the events were unfolding.

The government spokesperson said the essence of the government actions was to avoid pressing a panic button.

Hazzan, however, said the government would not hesitate to  lock  down  the state any moment it saw the reason to do so.

The state  had on Tuesday recorded another case of COVID-19 in Sagamu through a returnee from the United Kingdom with 32 contacts.

Hazzan  said despite the new case the situation had not warranted imposing a lockdown  on the people.

Presidency attacks Buhari’s critics

The Presidency made angry reactions on Thursday to the critics of the President, Major General Muhammadu Buhari (retd.), even as it insisted that he was on top of ensuring that the coronavirus pandemic was tackled in Nigeria.

It accused the President’s critics of having “diseased” minds full of evil and good only for peddling lies against him and his regime.

Buhari’s  Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Femi Adesina, tweeted on Thursday that there were people who were simply evil when they “concoct” lies against his principal.

Aside from the audio, several commentators in the past days did not spare Buhari when they accused  him of being taciturn in the face of the pandemic and doing little to reassure Nigerians.

But, checks on Thursday, indicated that the President was at his residence, as his office was evacuated for fumigation by experts.

The PUNCH exclusively gathered that intensive fumigation of the State House started on Thursday when the experts arrived at the Villa about 9.30am.

The exercise was planned to cover all the offices and environment of the Presidential Villa. All occupants in designated offices were asked to vacate them, including cleaners attached to the Council Chambers and the press gallery.

The Minister of Health, Dr Osagie Ehanire, on Thursday said a presidential aide who tested positive for  coronavirus was not in a critical condition.

He said the aide was at an  isolation centre where people with mild symptoms of coronavirus  were being were treated.

While giving an update on the  situation in Abuja, the minister said he had no authority to mention the name of the aide, but stated that he was not admitted into the University of Abuja Teaching Hospital Centre isolation centre in Gwagwalada.

The minister said that all those who had been in contact with the aide had been tested, saying all the tests came out negative.

He said, “An aide to the President that tested positive for coronavirus is in a secure  place somewhere. Those with severe symptoms of the virus are taken to the University of Abuja Teaching Hospital (isolation facility). Others will be taken to a facility where they can be taken care of.

“The (Presidential) aide who tested positive is receiving treatment in a secure facility in Nigeria. He requires only a general medical treatment.”

Lagos gets lion’s share of equipment

The minister stated that Lagos State would get the biggest share of the Jac Ma Foundation coronavirus responsive kits donated to Nigeria. The kits were brought to Abuja on Wednesday via an Air Force plane after they were deposited in Lagos.

We have enough respirators

While responding to NMA’s allegation that there were no adequate ventilators at the nation’s designated isolation centres, Ehanire said there were enough ventilators in hospitals and that they were not always required for use except in severe cases.

Delta closes borders, shuts down malls, others

The Delta State Governor, Ifeanyi Okowa, has announced the lockdown of all activities in the state and closure of all borders as the state government intensified efforts to make the state safe from the coronavirus pandemic.

In his third broadcast on Thursday in Asaba, the governor, who is the Chairman of the Central Committee on Managing and Containing the Coronavirus Pandemic in Delta, stated that the lockdown would be effective from Wednesday, while the closure of borders and other entry points into the state would commence at 6 am on Sunday.

Gov Sule, deputy test negative

Meanwhile, the Nasarawa State Governor, Abdullahi Sule; his deputy,  Dr Emmanuel Akabe, and a man in isolation have tested negative for coronavirus.

The deputy governor, who is the Chairman of the state Quick Response Committee,   said, “Governor Abdullahi Sule, I and the man in isolation at Dalhatu Araf Specialist Hospital, in Lafia, have all been given our samples in Lafia, The samples were taken for test at the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control, and the results for all the three of us  are negative.”

Fayemi awaits result, wife in isolation

But Ekiti State Commissioner for  Health, Dr Mojisola Yaya-Kolade, said the result of the  test conducted on the state  Governor, Dr Kayode Fayemi, had not been released.

Fayemi had on Wednesday tweeted, “I just took the COVID-19 test having gone into self-isolation since yesterday (Tuesday) evening. I’m asymptomatic and feel well, but I was in meetings with two people who had since tested positive. I look forward to an all clear.”

The commissioner, who spoke in Ado Ekiti while giving update on the COVID-19 situation in the state, said, “The only patient, who tested positive for coronavirus in the state last week, is in a stable condition at the state isolation centre where he is undegoing treatment.”

Yaya-Kolade said that the contacts had been identified and put under isolation with thorough monitoring and all of them were stable with no signs.”

The commissioner advised all residents of the state to live by sense of social responsibility  to fight the scourge of coronavirus by maintaining social distancing order of the state.

The wife of the governor, Bisi,  said that she had been in self-isolation since she arrived in Nigeria from the United Kingdom on March 19.

The governor’s wife, who made the disclosure in her write- up titled ‘Self Isolation’ in her Above Whispers series, stated, “I have been in self-isolation since I got back.

“In the over 30 years we have been married, my husband and I have never slept in separate beds if we are home together. The fear of coronavirus has changed that for now,” she said.

Giving details of what happened on arrival at the airport, she said, “My temperature was taken, as well as my photograph. My passport was stamped and I was free to go. I was not given any direct advice on self-isolating for 14 days since I had just returned from a high-risk country or a number to call should I develop symptoms.

Ekiti to screen travellers at borders

Also  the state Commissioner for Environment, Gbenga Agbeyo, said measures had been put in place to ensure that all travellers coming into the  state were checked at entry points to reduce the possibility of transmitting the disease.

Agbeyo, who is also  the Chairman, Ekiti State Environmental Task Force on COVID-19, said the state government would ensure that commercial vehicles and motorcycles carried required numbers of passengers.

The commissioner said, “To decongest the Atikankan area population, the government is planning to stop all business activities in the area, work on how to ensure voluntary  evacuation to Shasha Market or forcible ejection if resisted and eventually bring down the shanties as well station security agents there,” he said.

Six Lagos patients recover, may be discharged soon –Gov aide

The Special Assistant to the Lagos State Governor on Health, Dr Tunde Ajayi, has disclosed that six of the patients at the Infectious Disease Hospital have recovered.

Ajayi via his twitter handle, @thetundeajai, said the patients would be discharged soon.

He wrote, “Six of our #COVID19 inpatients have recovered and will be discharged soon. There is something Lagos is doing right. Lagos takes the lead,” he wrote.

According to the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control, 32 confirmed cases have been confirmed in Lagos State since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.

Market closure: We are satisfied with level of compliance on ban, says CP

The  state Commissioner of Police, Hakeem Odumosu has expressed satisfaction with the level of compliance with the government directive on   closuree markets and stores to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in the state.

Clubs, event centres and places of worship, where more than 25 people had gathered, were sealed off by agencies of the state.

The police command had also said it would extend enforcement to markets and stores, except those where food and medicinal items were being sold.

After the enforcement on Thursday, the state Police Public Relations Officer, Bala Elkana, said in a statement that Odumosu, while monitoring compliance to the directives, visited various eateries, markets, financial and telecommunication institutions, among others, and observed that the compliance was encouraging.

LASG to converts Onikan stadium, others to isolation centres

The state government has commenced plans to establish an isolation centre at the Onikan Stadium and some other locations in the state.

This followed the announcement of more confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the state with fears that the figures might go up in coming days.

A source in the state ministry of health said makeshift isolation centre would also be established at the General Hospital, Gbagada and the Landmark event cent.

Reps Take Delivery Of Exotic Cars, Begin Distribution [PUNCH]

The House of Representatives has started taking delivery of the Toyota Camry 2020 model cars acquired for members as official cars, otherwise called utility vehicles, The PUNCH has reliably learnt.

Our correspondent sighted some of the cars at different parking lots within the National Assembly Complex, on Thursday.

The legislators had at an executive (closed-door) session on February 5, 2020, resolved to purchase 400 units of the exotic car.

The House has, however, kept sealed lips on the cost of each unit as the contract for the supply it was learnt was not awarded to accredited Toyota dealers.

Our correspondent observed that the House procured the V6 Limited Edition variant of the car.

Chairman of the Committee on House Services, Mr. Wale Raji, who confirmed delivery of the cars declined to respond to further enquiries.

The cars, which belong to the National Assembly, are usually auctioned to the lawmakers after four years.

A check on the website of Toyota revealed that each of the vehicles – depending on the variant, has a price tag of between US$25,000 to US $35,000, excluding the cost of shipping and custom duties, which is about 100 per cent of the actual cost of each unit.

For instance, those with higher specification, which most often than not is the preferred choice of lawmakers, could cost tax payers a tidy sum. Vehicles in this range are: XLE at $29,455, XLE V6 at $34,580, XSE at $30,005 and XSE V6 at $35,130.

Already, about 14 Toyota Land Cruiser Prado sports utility vehicles have already been handed out to presiding as well as other principal officers and chairmen of select House committees.

Some lawmakers who were contacted on Thursday said they had yet to receive vehicles delivered in “the first batch.”

Giving a breakdown of how the vehicles are shared, a member of the House, who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of retribution, said, the 400 saloon cars would be allocated to each of the 360 members and some top management staff, Chiefs of Staff to the (two) presiding officers as well as some of their special advisers and assistants.

The lawmaker explained that new members who did not get committee appointments would benefit from the first batch.

The source said, “I was told 100 have already arrived and they are sharing them to new members who are not chairmen and deputy chairmen (of committees). The next batch will be for returning (ranking) members who are neither chairmen nor deputy chairmen. The last batch will go to ranking member with appointments.”

The Committee on House Services and the National Assembly Management, led by the Clerk to the National Assembly, Mohammed Sani-Omolori, had constituted a joint committee to oversee the acquisition, verification and distribution to the lawmakers.

The Committee on House Services, which also exists in the Senate, serves as the protocol and welfare department.

The joint committee was set up as some members had alleged that the National Assembly had become a “dumping ground” for smuggled and refurbished automobiles.

Man Steals Seven Cars At Redemption Camp, Sells In Anambra [PUNCH]

A 43-year-old man, Friday Ezi, has been arrested by the men of the Ogun State Police Command for allegedly stealing seven cars from the Redemption Camp on the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway.

The police have also apprehended a 27-year-old motor spare parts dealer for allegedly buying the stolen cars and dismantling them.

The Police Public Relations Officer in the state, Abimbola Oyeyemi, disclosed these in a statement on Thursday.

Oyeyemi said Ezi, who lives at No. 5 Adesuah Iyamo Street, Benin City, Edo State, took the police to Onitsha, Anambra State, where Onyekachi Atama was arrested.

The PPRO stated, “The duo were arrested following a report by one Titilayo Otitodogbon, whose   Toyota Camry car with number plate LND 636, was stolen on February 1, 2020, by one of the suspects.

“Upon her report, the DPO, Redemption Camp, CSP Chris Amanyi, detailed his detectives to swing into action and bring the perpetrators to justice.

“The detectives embarked on full-scale forensic and technical investigation, which yielded a positive result when one Friday Ezi, who actually stole the car from the Redemption Camp, was traced to Edo State, where he was promptly arrested on March 10, 2020.

“His arrest and eventual confessional statement led the operatives to Onitsha in Anambra State, where one Onyekachi Atama, who is his receiver and an accomplice, was also arrested on March 15, 2020.

“Preliminary investigation revealed that the suspects had stolen up to seven different cars from the Redemption Camp, but they confessed to have stolen only two cars on different occasions.

“Onyekachi Atama, who is a spare parts dealer at the Motor Parts Market in Onitsha, confessed that once the vehicles were brought to him by Friday Ezi, he used to balkanise them and sell such vehicles in parts.”

The Ogun State Commissioner of Police, Kenneth Ebrimson, commended the investigative team for a job well-done.

Ebrimson directed that the suspects be transferred to the anti-car theft section of the State Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department for proper investigation and prosecution.

In a related development, the police in Niger State have arrested three suspected armed robbers in the Suleja Local Government Area of the state.

The suspects, Ashiru Usman, 28, of Suleja; Mohammed Yazid, 26, of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja; and Mahadi Nafiu, 35, of the Zuba area of Abuja, allegedly specialised in snatching vehicles from their owners at gunpoint.

It was gathered that sometime in December 2019, the gang snatched a Toyota Corolla LE at Lugbe, Abuja and a Volkswagen Golf car at Nasarawa State, which were sold for N200,000 and N150,000, respectively.

Nafiu told one of our correspondents that he had been involved in car theft for the past five years.

“I cannot give a good account of what I did with the money. How do I explain to my wife, who is not aware, that I am into armed robbery?” he queried.

The command’s Public Relations Officer, Wasiu Abiodun, said the police personnel recovered from the suspects a pump action gun, one empty shell of cartridge, a knife, a pair of scissors and 40 wraps of Indian hemp.

He said they would be arraigned after investigation.

CBN Suspends Forex Sales To BDCs Over Pandemic [PUNCH]

The Central Bank of Nigeria has granted a two- week market holidays to the Bureaux De Change operators.

This followed a request by the Association of Bureaux De Change Operators of Nigeria to the CBN for the regulator to grant it market holidays given the ongoing challenges faced in local and global economies due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

In a notice to the BDC operators and directors, the President, ABCON, Alhaji Aminu Gwadabe, said the CBN’s approval meant that sales of foreign exchange to the BDCs were now suspended till further notice.

Gwadabe also advised the public not to go into panic buying, hoarding and patronising the street traders as the CBN had enough reserves to sustain supplies when the BDCs returned to operations.

A statement said, the CBN had also acknowledged the contributions of the BDCs in promoting stable exchange rate in recent months, despite challenging circumstances facing the forex market due to drop in crude oil prices.

It stated, “This is to urgently bring to the notice of our members nationwide that following our letter of recommendations to the CBN to grant us market holidays on our bidding days as a proactive and preventive measure on the scourge of the novel COVID-19 epidemic and the ban on all air/land travels, the CBN has granted our request, effective Friday March 27, 2020

“There shall be no market days henceforth for a tentative period of two weeks.”

Gwadabe advised members to observe strict guidelines on the preventive measures on the dangers of the COVID-19, by wearing their mask, gloves, and frequent washing of hands.

He stated, “We also want to advise members to strictly comply with their regulatory obligations on their daily operations.

“If you are trading, be cautious not to fall into the hand of security agencies. Don’t be involved in giving black market rates, street trading as doing so might create regulatory breach.”

Gwadabe said that the CBN/ Nigerian Financial Intelligence Unit were tracking large movements of funds within the financial sector and the need to be cautious.

“Once again accept our continuous assurances on serving you better as we continue to ponder on lasting solutions to the growing challenges facing our operations among them crowd management, expansion of scope of our business, lesser penalties, and automation.

Akeredolu, Diri, Aregbesola, Obaseki, Sule Test Negative [THE NATION

FOUR  governors on Thursday made known the results of their COVID-19 (Coronavirus) tests. They all tested negative.

The governors are Oluwarotimi Akeredolu (Ondo) Godwin Obaseki (Edo) Douye Diri (Bayelsa) and Abdullahi Sule (Nasarawa).

Only Obaseki went into self-isolation after interacting with people who tested positive during the last Nigeria Governors’ Forum  and the National Economic Council meetings in Abuja.

Akeredolu revealed via his tweeter handle.

In it, he shared a message the Commissioner for Health, Dr. Wahab Adegbenro, sent to him on the result.

“Good morning sir.  The result is negative.  Congratulations your  Excellency,” Adegbenro’s message read.

In his tweet, the governor said, “I just received the above text from the Commissioner for Health regarding my #COVID-19 test results. We give all glory to God.  Wish everyone affected speedy recovery.”

Special Adviser to Edo State Governor on Media and Communication Strategy, Mr. Crusoe Osagie, said though Obaseki had a clean bill, he had resolved to continue with his 14-day self-isolation.

Osagie said: “I can confirm that the governor tested negative for Coronavirus when he ran the rapid diagnostic test for the virus. However, we are currently awaiting the result of more conclusive PCR test.

“The governor has decided to continue to work in self-solation and he is asymptomatic.”

Diri’s , acting Chief Press Secretary, Mr Daniel Alabrah , announced that his boss  tested negative.

Alabrah said the test result was obtained from the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) accredited laboratory in Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital in Edo State.

“The result showed that Diri had no evidence of COVID-19 infection,” Alabrah said.

Officials of the epidemiology unit of the state Ministry of Health led by the state Epidemiologist, Ifiemi Iwuji, on Wednesday, taken  the governor’s blood  sample for the test to  Irrua  .

The acting CPS added, “Before the governor opted for the test, he had been inundated with phone calls and messages, following speculations on the social media that he may have been infected.

“This was fuelled by his sitting next to a Northeast state governor, who later tested positive for the virus, during the last National Economic Council (NEC) meeting at the State House, Abuja, on March 19.”

Diri  expressed appreciation to Nigerians and the people of Bayelsa in particular for their concern, love and good wishes toward him and his family.

He said, I prayed for a reversal and healing for all those that have been infected by the pandemic. I had to take the test so as to douse the tension and end all the speculation.

“Besides, I needed to know my status concerning the COVID-19. I am therefore thankful to God that the result was negative as I anticipated.

“I also thank Nigerians and Bayelsans all over the world for their concern, love and prayers. I pray for everyone that has been infected by this disease to be healed.”

In Lafia, Nasarawa State, the  governor and his deputy, Dr Emmanuel Akabe said they were happy that the results were made known in good time, thereby ending the fear by their families and the general public.

Akabe, who announced the development, also said a  man  in   isolation  at the  Dalhatu Araf Specialist Hospital also tested negative to COVID-19.

He said: ”Governor Sule, I and the man in isolation at Dalhatu Araf Specialist Hospital, (DASH) in Lafia have all given our samples in Lafia. The samples were taken for test at the  NCDC and the results for all the three of us prove  that we are negative.”

UBA Donates N5b To Fight Virus In Africa [THE NATION]

UNITED Bank for Africa (UBA) Plc has announced a donation of more than N5 billion, about $14 million, to catalyse a comprehensive pan-African response to the fight against the Coronavirus global pandemic.

The donation, which will be provided through UBA Foundation, will provide significant and much-needed support to Nigeria and 19 other African countries, by supplying relief materials, critical care facilities, and financial support to governments.

The breakdown of the UBA support programme include N1 billion or $2.8 million to Lagos State Government, N500 million or $1.4 million to Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, N1 billion or $2.8 million to the remaining 35 states in Nigeria, N1.5 billion or $4.2 million to UBA’s presence countries in Africa and  N1 billion or $2.8 million for medical centres with equipment and supplies. The bank will also provide free telemedicine call centre facility.

In a statement, the pan-African bank stated that it will fund a medical centre immediately in Lagos with beds for isolation and intensive care unit (ICU) facilities, managed and operated in partnership with Heirs Holdings’ healthcare subsidiary, Avon Medical Hospital.

In addition, UBA is providing a free telemedicine platform, that is physician-led, to provide direct access to medical advice to citizens, in compliance with social distancing requirements.

Group Chairman, United Bank for Africa (UBA) Plc, Mr. Tony Elumelu, said the time has come for all to play their part in the fight against Coronavirus.

According to him, the global epidemic must bring citizens, governments and business leaders together – and quickly. As we see a rapidly increasing number of cases of the coronavirus in Nigeria and Africa, the private sector has to work hand in hand with various Governments, in stemming the spread of the global pandemic.

“We commend the efforts of governments and we are keen to partner and contribute our resources to the collective effort, that will ensure the response to the pandemic is swift and effective,” Elumelu said.

CBN, Private Sector To Raise N120b [THE NATION]

  • Dangote, Elumelu, Ovia, Wigwe, Otedola, others named in Funding Committee

A N120 billion funding was on Thursday announced by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to tackle Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

The fund will be raised by the Nigerian Private Sector Coalition Against COVID-19 instituted by the CBN on behalf of the Bankers’ Committee and in partnership with the private sector, led by Aliko Dangote Foundation and Access Bank Plc.

CBN Governor Godwin Emefiele, who broke the news in Lagos, also announced members of the Funding Committee who are expected to, through their organisations, contribute at least N1 billion each to the designated account expected to be opened at the apex bank today.

The fund, which is expected to be raised within the next two weeks, will be deployed to procuring equipment and materials to combat the menace of COVID-19 pandemic in the country.

Emefiele, who spoke to reporters in company with Access Bank Group Managing Director Herbert Wigwe said Nigeria must prepare for the worst.

He said the steering committee will be chaired by the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Boss Mustapha, who also chairs the Federal Government Committee on Covid-19 Control.

Other members of the committee will be announced at a later date.

The committee will be responsible for the initial funding of the effort to contain the spread of COVID-19.

Other members of the new initiative apart from the CBN governor are: African billionaire Aliko Dangote; Access Bank Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Herbert Wigwe; Jim Ovia; Tony Elumelu; Segun Agbaje; Abdulsamad Rabiu and Femi Otedola.

According to Emefiele, each member of the committee is to ensure that their institution contribute at least N1 billion to this effort.

He said the membership of the coalition will be opened to those willing to contribute at least N1 billion to the fund.

The CBN boss explained that the coalition was created out of the urgent need to combat the unfolding COVID-19 crisis in Nigeria.

Emefiele said: “The rate at which the virus is spreading is unprecedented and it appears we are fighting our most lethal adversary to date.

“So far, the Federal Government has made giant strides in the fight but it is clear that the private sector needs to step in and support efforts already being made.”

He said the apex bank in the last few days began engaging Nigeria compatriot stakeholders in the private sector on how to provide support to the Federal Government in procuring equipment and materials to combat the menace of this unfortunate pandemic in Nigeria.

Emefiele said that although the number in Nigeria so far stands at 51, the apex bank was concerned that this number may rise exponentially in the next two weeks.

The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) put the figure at 65 last night.

In terms of fatalities, China has had deaths of 3,287, Italy 7,503, USA 1,062, Spain 4,145 and so far one in Nigeria.

He said the objectives of the coalition are to mobilise private sector thought leadership, mobilise private sector resources, increase general public awareness, education and buy-in and provide direct support to private and public healthcare’s ability to respond to the crisis.

The coalition is also expected to support government effort. In doing this, the coalition has set up four major committees comprising of steering committee to provide leadership and steer the coalition and committees in procuring all needed funding, equipment and materials for the battle against this pandemic.

There is also the operational committee which is responsible for project management, logistics, communication and advocacy.

In the committee are CBN, Aliko Dangote Foundation, Access Bank, Zenith Bank, GTBank, Stanbic IBTC, Ecobank, Fidelity Bank, Unity Bank, Nigerian Breweries Plc.

Nigeria In lockdown [THE NATION]

States shut borders as COVID-19 cases rise to 65

NIGERIA has been shut down as states make frantic efforts to curtail the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

The confirmed positive cases rose to 65 on Thursday from 51 the day before.

Most of the states on Thursday shut their entry and exit points.

The Federal Government also said it is likely to ban travels within and between states.

Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, said more “aggressive” measures will be announced soon.

He told reporters: “I don’t intend to sound apocalyptic. But the truth is that time is running out.

“We have a short window within which to stop this pandemic or face an explosion in terms of the cases. We cannot afford to be complacent.

“In view of this, we are considering tougher measures to enforce compliance, stop the exportation of the disease to states that do not have it and minimise spread.

“Possible measures include stopping inter-state/inter-town travels except for essential services; closing all motor parks and inter-state rail stations – already, all train movements nationwide have been stopped; and using firefighting and other adaptable vehicles and personnel to fumigate cities and towns.

“We will be considering and announcing new measures from time to time, but rest assured that whatever decisions we take will be in the best interest of Nigerians.”

Delta State Governor Ifeanyi Okowa ordered the closure of all land borders, as well as the Asaba airport.

He said: “After a meeting with the Central Committee on Managing and Containing Coronavirus Pandemic headed by me, several far-reaching decisions were reached.

“I hereby order as follows: Asaba airport is to close to traffic effective from Friday, March 27, 2020, by 6 p.m.

“All land borders into and out of Delta are to be shut effective 6 am, Sunday, March 29, 2020.

“All business malls, supermarkets, markets and shops are to close from  April 1, 2020.

“All residents in the state are to stay at home from April 1, while food sellers are to conduct their businesses within the precinct of their homes and are required to strictly adhere to the social distancing rules.”

Kano State ordered the closure of all routes linking the state from other parts of the country with effect from midnight today.

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor, Abba Anwar, said in a statement: “This decision is hard, but absolutely necessary, as part of precautionary measures against the deadly COVID-19 possible spread.

“We urge Kano citizens and all other Nigerians to bear with this difficult situation.”

Akwa Ibom State Governor Udom Emmanuel also ordered the closure of all borders and roads leading to the state.

Secretary to the State Government, Dr Emmanuel Ekuwem, directed Ibom Air to suspend all flights as from Sunday.

The state directed workers to stay at home for a week and approved the payment of their March salary.

Akwa Ibom also shut markets, except those selling foodstuff and essential items.

“While the one-week stay-at-home order subsists, Akwa Ibom government will continue to monitor and provide regular updates on any development in the COVID-19 situation in our state,” Ekuwem said.

Kaduna State on Thursday imposed a curfew following noncompliance with certain measures to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Deputy Governor, Dr Hadiza Balarabe, who said the state invoked Sections 2 and 8 of the Quarantine Act 1926, announced the shutdown.

“From midnight on Thursday, all residents of Kaduna State must stay at home. No offices, businesses of any sort or places of worship are allowed to open.”

He said only essential workers are allowed to move about.

Bayelsa State ordered the immediate closure of all land and sea entry and exit points.

Governor Douye Diri gave the order after being briefed by the COVID-19 taskforce.

Acting Chief Press Secretary, Mr Daniel Alabrah, quoted the governor as also directing that all mortuaries be closed forthwith to ensure compliance with the earlier directive on the suspension of burial and wedding ceremonies for two weeks.

Ebonyi State said it would close all borders tomorrow.

Governor David Umahi said though the state had no confirmed case, the borders will be closed to commuters.

Secretary to the State Government, Kenneth Ugbala, said: “Ebonyi State Government shall from Saturday 28th March 2020 stop all passenger vehicles from entering the state.

“There will be restriction of passengers/commuters coming in and out of Ebonyi State.”

Also on Thursday, Osun State announced the closure of major markets and malls are to be shut with effect from today, the state said and limited the boarding capacity of vehicles.

Secretary to the State Government, Prince Wole Oyebamiji, said only those selling food and medical products are exempt.

“All motorcycles henceforth will carry only one passenger, while all minibuses will carry only four passengers with one passenger in front, one in the middle and two at the back seat,” he said.

Osun advised those who returned from high-risk countries, such as the United Kingdom, Europe and the United States of America in the last two weeks to call 293.

Anambra State ordered the closure of all markets for 14 days. Secretary to the State Government, Prof Solo Chukwulobelu, said it will take effect from Monday.

Only businesses selling food items and medicines were authorised to stay open during the closure.

“During the 14-day period, traders should stay at home. This directive will be reviewed at the end of the 14-day period and further directives will be communicated,” he said.

The Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) restricted all business activities in the nation’s capital to 6 am to 9 pm.

FCTA also formed five monitoring teams to enforce compliance in parks, clubs, markets, motor parks, buses and taxis, places of worship, schools and area councils.

FCT Minister, Muhammad Bello, said all eateries are to serve food in takeaways packs.

“To ensure the effective coordination of all activities on the containment of COVID 19, the FCTA has also established the COVID 19 Situation Room to be domiciled at the FCT Call Center whose telephone numbers are:08099936312, 08099936313, 08099936314, 07080631500,” the minister told reporters.

“In addition, members of the public are advised to also use the National Emergency Toll-free number 112,” the minister said.

Coronavirus: FG Goes After 4,370 Suspected Cases [SUN]

  • Bans inter-state, inter-city travel •Lagos gets N10bn, NCDC N5bn

In a bid to contain the spread of coronavirus, the Federal Government has begun tracing 4,370 people who may have had contact with those infected with the disease.

It is also considering stopping inter-state and inter-town travels, except for essential services and deploying firefighting and other adaptable vehicles and personnel to fumigate cities and towns.

As at 11 press time, Nigeria has recorded 65 cases across eight  states namely Lagos, FCT, Ogun, Bauchi,Ekiti, Edo, Osun, Oyo and Rivers.

Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, disclosed the latest measures at a press conference in Abuja, yesterday.

“We have a short window within which to stop this pandemic or face an explosion in terms of the cases. We cannot afford to be complacent,” he said.

He said tracing of the 4,370 cases became imperative because most returnees from the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Cape Verde and other countries, tendered wrong telephone numbers and addresses, making contact tracing difficult.

“I want to say straight away that our strategy at containing this pandemic is working, but we still have a long way to go.

“We know our priorities and we know our challenges. We have taken very bold measures in stopping international flights into the country, and we hail the state governments that have taken equally bold measures in their states, which include the closure of markets and the prohibition of large congregations.

“However, we are determined to be more aggressive in enforcing the measures aimed at containing the spread of the virus, such as social distancing, contact tracing, testing, isolation of suspected cases and ensuring that our messaging gets down to the grassroots.

“I don’t intend to sound apocalyptic. But the truth is that time is running out. If we don’t urgently and more aggressively enforce the measures I have just listed, we have a short window within which to stop this pandemic or face an explosion in terms of the cases. We cannot afford to be complacent.

“In view of this, we are considering tougher measures to enforce compliance, stop the exportation of the disease to states that do not have it and minimise spread.

“Possible measures include: stopping inter-state/inter-town travels. We will be considering and announcing new measures from time to time, but rest assured that whatever decisions we take will be in the best interest of Nigerians.

“We have 4,370 people of interest whom we are tracing. We urge those who have had contact with suspected cases to immediately report to the authorities.

“We urge Nigerians to support the authorities in this regard. We are on the verge of reaching the level of community spread. We must stop this immediately or we will record exponential cases in the days ahead. There is no better way to confirm that the strategies so far taken at containing the pandemic were working, though there is still a long way to go.

“Let me say, without mincing words, that we are not getting the kind of cooperation that this moment deserves from Nigerians. Many are busy engaging in meaningless criticisms, instead of complying with the stipulated directives to keep people safe. Some Nigerians who flew into the country from overseas filled wrong addresses and phone numbers in their forms, making it difficult to trace them when the need arises.

“Some Nigerians defied orders to stay away from large gatherings, while some religious leaders wilfully flouted the directives to ensure social distancing.

“The government is doing its best but we need the citizens to do their best too. We have now gone past the stage of persuasion. It’s time for strong enforcement.

“This brings me to the rising instances of fake news associated with coronavirus. The epidemic of fake news is now competing with the pandemic of coronavirus, and this is not helping the fight against the disease.

“Finally, we appeal to Nigerians not to panic. It is said that panic is our greatest enemy. The Federal Government is determined to work with the good people of Nigeria to defeat Covid-19. And defeat the disease we will.”

Mohammed insisted Nigeria had five laboratories in Nigeria, not five testing centres: “You can be tested at home. When we were tested at home, we were not tested at any centre. It took about three or five minutes to test a person. Where a case is positive, you are referred.Not everybody that is tested positive is in the intensive care unit. If we adhere to the directives, this won’t last more than two weeks. Nigerians are stigmatising this issue. They way we are reporting this issue will not even make those affected to come out.”

He also dismissed insinuations that President Muhammadu Buhari was sick: “Mr. President is well, kicking and in charge of the affairs of the country. I can assure you that, at the appropriate time, the President will address the nation.”

Presidency embarks on fumigation of offices

The Presidency has begin intensive fumigation of the State House, beginning from President Muhammadu Buhari’s office.

Fumigation experts arrived at the Villa by 9.30am, yesterday, to commence the exercise. It would cover the entire the Presidential Villa.

The Presidency had on Tuesday scaled down activities, following the news of Chief of Staff Abba Kyari testing positive for coronavirus.

Meanwhile, the Presidency has said Buhari was working to keep Nigerians safe from the pandemic.

Presidential media aide, Femi Adesina, on his Twitter handle, @FemAdesina, described those spreading lies as people with diseased minds incapable of clean and edifying thoughts.

He was apparently reacting to an audio making the rounds on social media that President Buhari and Kyari had been flown out for medical attention abroad.

The lady in the recording claimed that she had a friend whose husband was an Air Force pilot and was asked to fly the President and his Chief of Staff out but could not because he was under quarantine, having recently returned from Dubai.

The unnamed lady claimed that another pilot was procured and flew Buhari and Kyari out to receive treatment outside Nigeria.

Adesina tweeted: “Why do some people imagine vain things and concoct lies and evil? Simple. Their minds are diseased, and incapable of clean and edifying thoughts. President Buhari is on top of ensuring that Nigerians are kept safe from Covid-19. The good work continues.”

NMA seeks Executive Order on total lockdown

The  Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) has asked President Buhari to issue an Executive Order to enforce total shutdown of the country, as part of measures to contain community transmission of coronavirus in Nigeria.

The association was unhappy that some states were vacillating on the closure of schools, banning social and religious gatherings, under the assumption that there were no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in their states. The NMA urged uniformity in implementing the lockdown on non-essential services.

NMA president, Dr. Francis Faduyile, in a statement released in Abuja, recalled that the World Health Organisation (WHO) had advised nations with weak health system, which Nigeria falls under, to make early preparations to contain the pandemic, but, unfortunately, little efforts or measures were put in place by the Nigerian government to contain the spread of the coronavirus.

He expressed displeasure with the way government has been handling the coronavirus situation in Nigeria, which, he said, has led to increased spread of the virus in the country.

The umbrella body of medical doctors in Nigeria specifically mentioned that relevant federal and state authorities were working independently as regards response to the global pandemic, thus leaving several grounds uncovered. He suggested a more result-oriented situation, where federal and state government were comparing notes, sharing intelligence and taking a uniform stand on issues like modalities for effective implementation of interrupting the chain of transmission (social distancing), case detection, contact tracing and self- isolation.

He insisted on immediate enforcement of supervised self-isolation in a manner that would protect public health.

“This would ensure that returnees from countries with high prevalence adhere to instructions and confine themselves to a location in order to protect members of the public,” he said.

Buhari approves N10bn for Lagos, NCDC N5bn

President Muhammdu Buhari has approved the immediate release of N10 billion grant to Lagos State.

According to him, the grant will enable the state to increase its capacity to control and contain the outbreak, while also supporting other States with capacity-building.

In a statement he personally signed, he said he has been receiving extensive briefings on the state of the nation as it relates to the Covid-19 pandemic, from the relevant Federal Government agencies as well as the Lagos State Government.

The President said he has also approved the release of N5 billion special intervention fund to the Nigeria Center for Disease Control (NCDC) to equip, expand and provide personnel to its facilities and laboratories across the country.

He assured Nigerians that the Federal Government remains committed to protecting everybody. “We seek your full support and cooperation as we go through this very difficult time. Together we will triumph over this pandemic,” he said.

Senate urges relief for Nigerians

Senate President Ahmad  Lawan has called on the Federal Government to immediately find ways of providing relief for poor Nigerians whose daily livelihood would be affected as a result of the restriction on movement.

He said that aside from mulling a total lockdown of business activities in the country, a plan must be devised by the Federal Government through the release of funds. The funds should be for the purpose of purchasing food and pharmaceutical supplies for ordinary Nigerians.

He warned that not making provisions ahead of time to address the basic needs of poor Nigerians may lead to more problems for government, and less result in controlling the spread of the disease.

“Our prayer is that we are able to overcome this menace of COVID-19 in good time, because it is really taking a toll on our lives.

“If we have to eventually shut down our country, then as a government we must be prepared to have some relief for the most ordinary people.

“As a government, we must find our own money to fund something for our people, because the United States of America that is talked about or the British Parliament is because this involves public funds.

“I’m not seeing anything at the moment targeted at providing some relief. If we lock down Nigeria today, that will wake up trouble, because majority of our citizens go to market every day before they can get something to eat.

Military Airstrike Destroys ISWAP Logistics, Training Grounds In Borno [SUN]

The Defence Headquarters(DHQ), said military operations in the ongoing counterterrorism war in the Northeast has destroyed more logistics base and structures belonging to the Islamic State of West Africa Province (ISWAP).  Acting Director Defence Media Operations, Brigadier General Bernard Onyeuko, said the raid on the area followed intelligence that the terrorists were using the locations to store their logistics and train their fighters.

Onyeuko, statement reads:“The Armed Forces of Nigeria has destroyed some structures belonging to elements of the Islamic State of West Africa Province (ISWAP) in air strikes conducted at Muktu in the Northern part of Borno State. The mission was executed by the Air Component of Operation Lafiya Dole on March,as part of the ongoing subsidiary Operation Decisive Edge, after intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance flights  indicated that the ISWAP elements were using some compounds in two locations within the settlement to store their logistics as well as train their fighters.

“Accordingly, Operation Lafiya Dole dispatched its fighter jets to engage the identified compounds, scoring accurate hits leading to the destruction of the structures as well as the neutralization of their occupants. The Armed Forces of Nigeria, in furtherance of the objective of restoring peace and security in the Northeast, will continue to sustain the offensive against the enemies of our Nation”.

Police On Trail Of Abductors Of Bauchi Gov’s Brother – Commissioner [SUN]

The Bauchi State Police command has assured that efforts were in top gear to ensure that Adamu Mohammed, the  kidnapped brother of Governor Bala Mohammed is rescued alive.

Bauchi  state  Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Mr Kamal Datti Abubakar, in a press statement yesterday, said that from the report available to the Command, the incident took place on Wednesday March 25, at about 5:20 pm:

“He was kidnapped in Unguwar Jaki area of Bauchi metropolis at a tailoring shop by four  gunmen all armed with AK47 rifles who took him to unknown destination,”  the PPRO said.

UBA Donates N5bn To Africa COVID-19 Relief Fund [SUN]

United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA) Thursday  announced a donation of over N5 billion (USD14 million), through the UBA Foundation, to catalyse a comprehensive pan-African response to the fight against the coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic.

The donation will provide significant and much needed support to Nigeria and 19 other African countries, by supplying relief materials, critical care facilities, and financial support to Governments. The UBA support programme will be allocated as follows:

  • N1 billion (USD2.8 million) to Lagos State Government in Nigeria;
  • N500 million (USD1.4 million) to Nigeria’s Federal Capital Territory, Abuja;
  • N1 billion (USD2.8 million) to the remaining 35 states in Nigeria;
  • N1.5 billion (USD4.2 million) to UBA’s presence countries in Africa;
  • N1 billion (USD2.8 million) for Medical Centres with equipment and supplies, and
  • Free Telemedicine call centre facility.

The pan-African bank will fund a medical centre immediately in Lagos, Nigeria, with beds for isolation and ICU facilities, managed and operated in partnership with Heirs Holdings’ healthcare subsidiary, Avon Medical Hospital.

In addition, UBA is providing a free telemedicine platform, that is physician-led, to provide direct access to medical advice to citizens, in compliance with social distancing requirements.

UBA Group Chairman Tony O. Elumelu, said ‘this was a time when we must all play our part.  This global epidemic must bring citizens, governments and business leaders together – and quickly. As we see a rapidly increasing number of cases of the coronavirus in Nigeria and Africa, the private sector has to work hand in hand with various Governments, in stemming the spread of the global pandemic.

Nigerian Billionaires Team Up Against Coronavirus [LEADERSHIP]

As the battle against Coronavirus in the country rages on, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and private sector operators have formed a coalition that will see to the funding and procurement of the needed equipment and materials to support the fight against the global pandemic.

Members of the coalition known as the Nigerian Private Sector Coalition Against COVID-19 have agreed to donate N1billion each alongside the CBN to fund the fight against the deadly virus.

They include Africa’s richest man, Aliko Dangote; chairman of BUA Group, Abdulsamad Rabiu; managing directors of Access Bank and Guaranty Trust Bank, Herbert Wigwe and Segun Agbaje; chairman of Zenith Bank, Jim Ovia and chairman of United Bank for Africa, Tony Elumelu.

Speaking at a briefing in Lagos yesterday, CBN governor, Godwin Emefiele noted that Nigeria needs more than N120 billion to procure equipment and materials needed in the fight against the pandemic, adding that the fight should not be left to government alone.

He said the funding committee which will be responsible for the initial funding of the effort will have as members, the CBN Governor, Aliko Dangote, Herbert Wigwe, Jim Ovia, Tony Elumelu, Segun Agbaje, Abdulsamad Rabiu and Femi Otedola.

“Each member of the committee is to ensure that their institution contribute at least N1 billion to this effort. More members are allowed as long as they are willing to contribute at least N1 billion”, he stated.

Emefiele called on individuals and organisations in the country and abroad to help in the fight, saying everybody that can should join  the funding committee of the coalition with a donation of at least N1 billion.

He continued: “Information gathered so far has revealed that to procure all needed equipment, material, and all infrastructure needed to fight this pandemic, over N120b need to be raised.

“The Bankers Committee and these important Stakeholders will be required to step up to support this endeavor. We are already engaging other important stakeholders in Nigeria and abroad, such as the NNPC and players in Oil industry.

“An account will be set up at the Central Bank of Nigeria to receive both Naira and foreign currency from our donors. At the end of the process, we shall have a reputable form of Accountants to render full account of how the funds were utilized as well as account for the materials donated.

“The coalition for the sake of accounting and transparency will open its books to all Nigerians to see any amount contributed by any individual or organisation or the number of material contributed. Proper audit will be conducted to ensure that everybody is happy with the way funds are received and expended. I assure everyone that we are determined to ensure that Nigerians survive this battle ahead and we will need the support of everybody to ensure that this is done”.

Emefiele further noted that the coalition will also have a steering committee to provide leadership and steer the coalition and committees in procuring all needed funding, equipment and materials for the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic.

The steering committee, he said, will be chaired by the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Boss Mustapha, who currently chairs the federal government committee on Covid-19, adding that other members of the committee will be announced later.

Members of the operational committee which will be responsible for project management, logistics, communication and advocacy comprise the CBN governor, Aliko Dangote Foundation, Access Bank, Zenith Bank, GT Bank, Stanbic IBTC, Ecobank, Fidelity Bank, Unity Bank, Nigerian Breweries Plc.

The technical committee will be responsible for gathering data about the equipment and materials needed nationwide as well as intellectual leadership around testing issues, treatment protocols, isolation centers, etc.

Membership of the technical committee comprises NCDC, WHO, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Federal Ministry of Health and selects members of the operational and funding committee.

The CBN governor said the coalition will be working with reputable institutions and consultants, including the Lagos State commissioner for Health, Dr. Akin Abayomi, Dr Christian Happi, and Dr Phillip Onyebujo.

Emefiele noted that the objectives of the coalition are to mobilize private sector thought leadership, private sector resources, increase general public awareness, education and buy-in, provide direct support to private and public healthcare’s ability to respond to the crisis as well as support Government effort in the fight against the virus.

UBA Doles Out 5bn, G20 Offers $1trn To Combat Scourge

Also, the United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA) yesterday announced a donation of over N5 billion ($14 million) through the UBA Foundation to catalyse a comprehensive pan-African response to the fight against the coronavirus global pandemic.

The donation is designed to provide significant and much needed support to Nigeria and 19 other African countries.

By supplying the much needed relief materials, critical care facilities, and financial support to Governments, the bank’s intervention is expected to make big impact in the treatment of carriers of the disease.

The UBA said its support programme will be allocated as follows: N1 billion ($2.8 million) to Lagos State Government in Nigeria, housing the Bank’s headquarters; N500 million ($1.4 million) to Nigeria’s Federal Capital Territory, Abuja and other N1 billion ($2.8 million) to the remaining 35 states of the federation.

According to a statement by the bank yesterday, N1.5 billion ($4.2 million) is allocated to UBA host countries in Africa. A breakdown of the total figure also showed that N1billion ($2.8 million) is for Medical Centres with equipment and supplies and Free Telemedicine call centre facility.

“The pan-African bank will fund a medical centre immediately in Lagos, Nigeria, with beds for isolation and ICU facilities, managed and operated in partnership with Heirs Holdings’ healthcare subsidiary, Avon Medical Hospital,” its head, external and media relations, Ramon Nasir said in the statement issued yesterday.

In addition, Nasir said UBA was providing a free telemedicine platform that is physician-led to provide direct access to medical advice to citizens in compliance with social distancing requirements.

Corroborating the bank’s position, UBA Group Chairman, Mr Tony O. Elumelu, said, “This is a time when we must all play our part.  This global epidemic must bring citizens, governments and business leaders together – and quickly. As we see a rapidly increasing number of cases of the coronavirus in Nigeria and Africa, the private sector has to work hand in hand with various Governments, in stemming the spread of the global pandemic.

“We commend the efforts of governments and we are keen to partner and contribute our resources to the collective effort that will ensure the response to the pandemic is swift and effective.”

Operating in 20 African countries and globally in the United Kingdom, the United States and France, the United Bank for Africa has a strong record of supporting its communities, through challenging times.

In the same vein, leaders of the world’s 20 largest economies (G20) disclosed yesterday that they will inject more than $5 trillion into the global economy as part of their coordinated response to the coronavirus pandemic.

“We are injecting more than 5 trillion dollars into the global economy, as part of targeted fiscal policy, economic measures, and guarantee schemes to counteract the social. Others are economic and financial impacts of the pandemic,” a statement released after the conclusion of the virtual meeting led by Saudi Arabia noted.

Finance ministers and central bank governors of the G20 countries will coordinate and work closely with international organisations to develop and deliver “appropriate international financial assistance.”

The leaders also plan to expand manufacturing capacity to meet the increasing needs for medical supplies amid the novel coronavirus outbreak.

COVID-19 Cases Now 65 As 14 New Cases Are Confirmed

Meanwhile, Nigeria has confirmed 14 new cases of COVID19, bringing the total confirmed cases to 65.

Two of the new cases were recorded in the FCT, while 12 were recorded in Lagos State.

According to the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), six out of the 14 new cases were detected on a vessel, with three returning travellers into Nigeria and one close contact of a confirmed case.

“As at 7:35 pm 26th March, there are 65 confirmed cases, three discharged, one death. For a breakdown of cases by states in real time: Lagos- 44, FCT- 12, Ogun- 3, Ekiti- 1, Oyo- 1, Edo- 1, Bauchi-1, Osun and Rivers. Total: 65 confirmed cases”, CDC stated.

Also, the federal government has confirmed 51cases of Coronavirus across eight states and the FCT.

Minister of Health, Dr. Osagie Ehanire, stated this at press conference on on COVID-19 update, yesterday in Abuja.

LEADERSHIP Friday also learnt that six of the 30 persons receiving COVID-19 treatment in Lagos may be discharged tomorrow if their next results come out negative.

The six patients are said to have tested negative to the virus after receiving treatment for some days.

Speaking on procedures involved in discharging COVID-19 patients, the Lagos state commissioner for Health, Prof. Akin Abayomi explained that when a COVID-19 patient test negative, he/she will not be immediately released to the society.

According to him, “a covid-19 patient, after tested negative, the test would need to be run for two consecutive times, and if the test result comes out negative, then that person will be certified to be virus free and subsequently discharged”.

Continuing, the minister of Health said that Nigeria has learnt a lesson from the pandemic and have a framework to build more intensive care clinics and centres.

On face mask, Ehanire said it was not for everyone. “If you don’t have a problem, you don’t need.

He stated: As of today, 26th of March 2020, we have recorded 51 confirmed cases of coronavirus disease COVID-19 in Nigeria, of which 32 are in Lagos, 10 in FCT, 3 in Ogun and 1 each in Ekiti, Oyo, Edo, Bauchi, Osun and Rivers States.

“Of the 51 cases, 37 had immediate travel history to one or more of the coronavirus affected countries in the last 2 weeks, 8 are confirmed close contacts of confirmed cases and 6 have neither a recent travel history nor a known contact.

“While two persons have been cured and discharged from treatment, we have recorded just one fatality. All 48 presently active cases are clinically stable with only mild or moderate symptoms.

“The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) has deployed Rapid Response Teams to affected states to support response activities.”

The minister urged all health facilities at all levels, both public and private, to be on high alert for healthcare workers of all cadres to maintain a high index of suspicion and to give full cooperation to contact tracers everywhere.

He reiterated the need for citizens to maintain personal hygiene which include frequent handwashing with soap under running water or using an alcohol-based sanitiser among others.

FG To Ban Interstate, Inter-town Movement Ahead Lockdown

Meanwhile, as part of measures to curtail the spread of Covid-19 in the country, the federal government has announced plans to stop inter-state and inter-town travels, except for essential services.

Addressing a press conference in Abuja yesterday, the minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, said the government is also considering closing all motor parks and inter-state rail stations.

Other measures to curb the spread, according to the minister, include using firefighting and other adaptable vehicles and personnel to fumigate cities and towns to curtail the spread of the virus.

Mohammed, however, stressed that the federal government was determined to be more aggressive in enforcing the measures aimed at containing the spread of the virus including “social distancing, contact tracing, testing, isolation of suspected cases and ensuring that” government’s messaging gets down to the grassroots.

He also decried that the federal government ‘’is not getting the kind of cooperation that this moment deserves from Nigerians.’’

The minister also stressed that contact tracing was very critical to stopping the spread of the virus.

He said, “We have 4,370 people of interest whom we are tracing. We urge those who have had contact with suspected cases to immediately report to the authorities.

“We urge Nigerians to support the authorities in this regard. We are on the verge of reaching the level of community spread. We must stop this immediately or we will record exponential cases in the days ahead. There is no better way to say this.

“Let me say, without mincing words, that we are not getting the kind of cooperation that this moment deserves from Nigerians. Many are busy engaging in meaningless criticisms instead of complying with the stipulated directives to keep people safe.”

Mohammed regretted that some Nigerians who flew into the country from overseas filled wrong addresses and phone numbers in their forms, making it difficult to trace them when the need arises.

He said some Nigerians defied orders to stay away from large gatherings while some religious leaders willfully flouted the directives to ensure social distancing.

“The government is doing its best but we need the citizens to do their best too. We have now gone past the stage of persuasion. It’s time for strong enforcement. Today, we have 51 cases covering 8 states: Lagos – 32, FCT – 10, Ogun – 3, Ekiti – 1, Edo – 1, Bauchi – 1, Osun – 1, Oyo – 1 and Rivers – 1,” the minister said.

Mohammed also confirmed that the federal government has received donated safety and test kits from the Jack Ma Foundation in China.

“The supplies are: 100,000 Face Masks, 1,000 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), 20,000 test kits. The face masks and the PPE will be distributed to the front-line health workers while the test kits will be shared among the five test laboratories,” he said.

On measures to increase bed spaces in isolation centres, he said the government was taking measures to increase the number of bed spaces for isolation of suspects.

“The facilities we have now include the 40-bed DSS Hotel, the 60-bed Medical Centre in Zuba and the 160-bed, Women Development Centre in Abuja, We are still looking at other facilities within the Federal Capital Territory,’’ he said.

PMB Hale And Hearty, Not On Ventilator – Lai Mohammed

On the rising instances of fake news associated with coronavirus, the Information said the epidemic of fake news is now competing with the pandemic of coronavirus, adding that it is not helping the fight against the disease.

Mohammed said, “Instances of such fake news include: That there are only two ventilators in Abuja, out of which one has been commandeered for a top government official, that a British Airways Flight was due to land in Nigeria on Wednesday despite the closure of all international airports.

“That President Muhammadu Buhari has been coughing and is now on a ventilator. Fake! Fake!! Fake!!! It’s all fake news. A section of the traditional media has also been engaging in scaremongering and irresponsible reporting on the disease.

“It is wrong to speculate on those who are positive or negative for coronavirus without any empirical information. In any case, being positive to coronavirus is not a death sentence, as we can see around the world”.

He noted that there is no need for the kind of scaremongering the nation is seeing in a section of the media.

The danger, according to him, is that this scaremongering can even discourage some who may want to come forward for testing.

Mohammed added: “We, therefore, wish to appeal to the media to be more circumspect in their reporting. Gentlemen, we have noted the decision of at least five domestic airlines – Air Peace, Aero and Azman, Dana and Arik – to suspend their flight operations. The suspension is a boost for the efforts of the government to check the spread of the pandemic.

“Some of the airlines have also announced one form of support or another for the government’s efforts to tackle the pandemic. This is very commendable. We are aware of more private sector support to the federal government and will be announcing this after full compilation.

“We seek the support and cooperation of more capable individuals and organizations in order to defeat this pandemic.”

The minister also appealed to Nigerians not to panic.

‘’It is said that panic is our greatest enemy. The federal government is determined to work with the good people of Nigeria to defeat Covid-19. And defeat the disease we will,” he added.

Lai Mohammed, Boss Mustapha, FCT Minister, Others Test Negative

Meanwhile, the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Boss Mustapha, minister of Health, Dr Osagie Ehanire and the Permanent Secretary in the ministry, Mashi Abdulaziz Mashi, have tested negative to Coronavirus.

Ehanire who disclosed this while addressing a news conference in Abuja said that the result of the tests conducted on him, the SGF and Mashi “came out negative”.

FCT Minister of State, Ramatu Aliyu, who had earlier gone on self-isolation in line with the protocols of National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), also tested negative to covid-19.

Aliyu made this known on her verified personal Twitter handle, on Thursday in Abuja.

“Dear compatriots, I am glad to inform you that my results came out this afternoon. I tested negative to #COVID-19. Please stay safe and take every precautionary measures as outlined by Together, we are stronger”, she tweeted.

She implored FCT residents to take all possible precautions not just for themselves, but also for their loved ones. “Please don’t panic. As a nation, we shall come out of this stronger and better,” she said.

The Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, also announced yesterday in Abuja that he tested negative for coronavirus.

The minister disclosed this at a media briefing to give update on what the government, through the Presidential Task Force for the Control of COVID–19 was doing to end the spread of the epidemic.

Reacting to a question on whether he and some of his colleagues had gone for test after the reports that they got close to one or two index cases, Mohammed responded in the affirmative.

“I did my test and the report came out this morning that I am negative and that is why I am here to address you. Every member of the presidential task force went for test. However, I am not at liberty to tell you their status. My own result was given to me personally just like every other person,” he said.

Responding to another question on why he has not gone into isolation after testing negative, the minister explained that he, like his other colleagues in the task force, are taking precautionary measures.

He said they were abiding by the rules of social distancing and personal hygiene and the task force meets by teleconferencing when the need arises.

Mohammed said giving the importance and volume of the assignment of the task force, which is responsible for the policy directive on COVID-19, the members could not go into isolation after testing negative.

Also, Bayelsa State governor, Senator Douye Diri yesterday did a test to determine his status following the controversy triggered by his possible contacts with the governor of Bauchi State, Bala Mohammed and the Chief of Staff to the President, Abba Kyari.

The test, which was conducted in an undisclosed location, came out negative, putting to rest concerns and insinuations from residents.

Lawan Urges FG To Assist Poor Nigerians

The president of the Senate, Senator Ahmad Ibrahim Lawan, has called on the federal government to devise ways of providing relief for poor Nigerians whose daily livelihood will be affected as a result of the restriction on movement due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lawan made the appeal against the backdrop of a meeting between the leadership of the National Assembly and some ministers and heads of government agencies on Wednesday in Abuja.

According to the Senate president, besides mulling a total lockdown of business activities in the country, a plan must be devised by the federal government through the release of funds specifically for the purpose of purchasing food and pharmaceutical supplies for ordinary Nigerians.

A statement issued by his special assistant, press, Ezrel Tabiowo, Lawan warned that not making provisions ahead of time to address the basic needs of poor Nigerians may likely lead to more problems for the government, and less result in controlling the spread of the disease.

He said, “Our prayer is that we are able to overcome this menace of COVID-19 in good time, because it is really taking a toll on our lives. If we have to eventually shut down our country, then as a government we must be prepared to have some relief for the most ordinary people.

“As a government, we must find our own money to fund something for our people, because the United States of America that is talked about or the British Parliament is because this involves public funds.

“I’m not seeing anything at the moment targeted at providing some relief. If we lock up Nigeria today, then we will wake-up trouble, because majority of our citizens go to market every day before they can get something to eat.

“So, you lock them up in their houses with a threat of disease and without food. We need to have something, a plan of some sorts, in addition to making sure we don’t lock up the farmers market for example, where people can easily go and buy something and, of course, pharmacies.”

Expectations From Audu Ogbe-led ACF [LEADERSHIP]

Chief Audu Ogbe is the new chairman of National Working Committee (NWC) of the apex northern socio-cultural group, Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF). In this report, ISAIAH BENJAMIN writes on the expectations from the new leadership.

The Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) last week got a new set of leadership with a former Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Chief Audu Ogbe, emerging as the chairman of the group’s National Working Committee (NWC).

The membership of the Forum is drawn from the 19 northern states and its headquarters is situated in Kaduna being the headquarters of the defunct northern region.

Will Chief Ogbe from Benue State, a minority among the northern states get the required support from all the other states that pride themselves as ‘Core North’ when certain decisions are to be taken?

Perhaps, all factors have been put into consideration before he was picked as the most preferred candidate to be saddled with that responsibility of a chairman of an influential group like ACF.

Although when the list of the new leadership of the Forum was ratified by its General Assembly, Chief Ogbe was not in attendance and has not said anything since he was pronounced the new ACF NWC chairman. Silence, it is often said, could mean consent but in some cases, it could also mean otherwise.

ACF is not only a pressure group but also a platform to foster unity in northern Nigeria and beyond. One of the major challenges of the Forum as identified by the outgone Secretary-General, Mr. Anthony Sani, during his report to the General Assembly. is paucity of funds needed for the running affairs of the Forum for optimal performance. He informed the congress that the lack of funds limited the frequency of meetings of both the NWC and the National Executive Council (NEC) from monthly to bi-monthly, same as the number of meetings of Standing and Ad-hoc Committees as well as of sub-committees.

He equally informed Assembly that due to the dearth of sources of funds, the outgone leadership prior to the coming on board of the Chief Ogbe’s leadership could only authorised the audit of the Forum’s accounts for the years ended December 31, 2016 and 2017 respectively, stressing that the audit of accounts for the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2019 could be made when the financial position of the Forum improves.

It is, therefore, apparent that the new ACF leadership under Chief Ogbe will contend with the same challenge of finances as the previous leadership of the Forum. Another challenge for the new leadership is the urgent need to see to the immediate registration of the Forum.

In the same report by the outgone Secretary-General, he stated that “it is pertinent for me to inform you (General Assembly) that the Forum applied for registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) which was declined because of some misinformation arising from mistaken identity.”

He, however, said the outgone leadership had already responded to clarify the position of the Forum in that regard and was still waiting for decision of the relevant authorities before their tenure expired.

It is, therefore, expected that the new leadership will swing into action to see to the immediate registration of the Forum.

The new Chief Ogbe-led NWC will also need to understand the vision of ACF as an umbrella body for all Northerners irrespective of religion, tribe and political persuasions and key into the objectives of the Forum. Because the NWC comprises completely new members, some of whom have never been part of the ACF, they will need proper induction to understand the workings of the Forum in order to meaningfully contribute to the realisation of its objectives.

They will also need to connect with the Forum’s major stakeholders, patrons, Northern state governors, traditional rulers and other prominent northerners so as to devise means of getting the founding fathers and members to come back and participate in the Forum’s activities.

Again, the NWC will need to strengthen relationship with other socio-cultural organisations in the county in order to sustain the unity and corporate existence of Nigeria as a united country and also divorce itself from partisan politics, but get involved in politics for the benefits of the North.

Also the zoning policy of ACF was alleged to have been jettisoned in the leadership selection process, as positions that were to shift to the North-west were retained in the North-east zone despite the fact that the North-west zoned elected competent persons to the positions.

More so the Selection Committee’s list was again alleged to have been manipulated to satisfy the wishes of the ACF leadership which led to a serious uproar from the zones during the joint meeting of the BoT and NEC held on March 10, 2020, especially from Kano, Taraba, Kaduna, Katsina, Sokoto, and Kogi states on the selection of unknown persons to the ACF family.


The new ACF chairman, therefore, need to reach out to the aggrieved states and douse the tension. The NEC also need to reactivate the standing committees like one on Security, Education, Agriculture and Planning & Research in order to provide meaningful suggestions on the way forward for the North.

As it stands today, ACF, according to some schools of thought, is seen to speak only when an issue affects some parts of the North and keep silent when it affects other parts of the North, a narrative that certainly need to be corrected going forward, such that all should be given a sense of belonging regardless of their religion, tribe or ethnicity.

They opined that criminality of any kind in any part of the North and Nigeria as a whole should be condemned without fear or favour.

There is no doubt that a lot is being expected from the new leadership of ACF under Chief Ogbe. It is expected that he alongside other NWC and NEC members will bring their wealth of experience in both public and private sectors to bear on changing the tides for the better of ACF.

According to a popular cliché ‘to whom much is given, much is equally being expected’, whether or not Chief Ogbe and his team will live up to expectations and the confidence reposed in them by the General Assembly, only time will tell.

FG Orders Release Of 70% Inmates [LEADERSHIP]

Precautionary measures being taken by the federal government to combat the coronavirus pandemic have been extended to the nation’s correctional centres.

In a deft move, the government yesterday directed the Nigerian Correctional Service (NCoS) release all awaiting trial inmates in its custody. They account for 70 per cent of the detainees in the country’s prisons.

The step, according to the minister of interior, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, is to prevent the ravaging coronavirus from spreading into the correctional centres.

Aregbesola gave the directive during an emergency meeting held in his office in Abuja on how to manage the custodial centres of the Nigerian Correctional Service (NCoS).

After the meeting, the minister issued a press statement through the director, Press and Public Relations, Mohammed Manga, where he said that the directive was informed by the decision of the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19, to avoid a worst case scenario in the event of the centres being infected by the virus.

He added that the measure is aimed at ensuring the safety of the inmates, members of staff of the Nigeria Correctional Service and other Nigerians.

Aregbesola, who emphasised that the country was in an abnormal situation which requires all hands to be on deck in order to ensure that the pandemic does not go into any of the custodian centres.

He called on the attorney-general of the federation and minister of justice, states’ chief judges, the governors and other stakeholders in the justice sector to immediately identify measures to be taken for quick decongestion of the country’s custodial centres.

According to him, the number of those in the custodial centres across the country calls for quick response, considering the present situation, as they are more vulnerable to infection. He added that the situation is further compounded by the huge number of awaiting trial persons (ATPs), who account for over 70 per cent of the national inmates’ population in the nation’s holding facilities.

He called for an urgent need to find a way of trying the cases of the ATPs in the country to overcome the challenge of space in order to reduce the possibility of the virus getting into the facilities.

The controller-general of corrections, Ja’afaru Ahmed, said that the country currently has a total of 244 custodial centres, 139 of which are the core outlets and 85 as satellite centres with a total of 74,127 inmates, among which 1,450 are females, 21, 901 convicted and 52,226 awaiting trial.

Ja’afaru added that overcrowded facilities posed a serious threat to the inmates at this time of the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, if adequate steps are not taken to address the situation.

The AGF, Abubakar Malami (SAN), called for proper profiling of all inmates in the various facilities with a view to having a joint arrangement with the governors and the chief judges for the speedy trial of ATIs, who constitute the largest population at the custodial centres in the country.

On his part, the chief judge of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) High Court, Ishaq Bello, called for constitutional amendment to remove the Nigeria Correctional Service (NCos) from the exclusive legislative list to the concurrent list, for easy administration of criminal justice system and as a necessary measure for the decongestion of custodial facilities.

Part of the resolutions of the meeting was a call on President Muhammadu Buhari to request the state governors to visit the custodial centres in their states with the chief judges and state attorneys- general, to consider and grant amnesty to deserving inmates.



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